Vanilla Sparkling Cocktail

Try this tantalising Sparkling Vanilla Cocktail that will have your tastebuds singing with joy.




PREP TIME 5 mins

COOK TIME 10 mins


Vanilla Syrup

  • ½ cup Huletts Yellow Sugar
  • ½ cold water
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence


  • 60 ml basic sugar syrup (as above)
  • 30 ml brandy or apple juice
  • 100 ml bubbly champagne, alcohol free for a virgin cocktail
  • Fresh lemon (sliced)


For the vanilla simple syrup:

  1. Add water and sugar to a small saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Stir until sugar is dissolved.
  3. Let cool, then stir in the vanilla extract.
  4. Strain into a jar or bottle and seal tightly with a lid.

To make the cocktail:

  1. Pour brandy and vanilla simple syrup into a chilled champagne flute.
  2. Fill to the top with sparkling wine.
  3. Squeeze lemon juice into glass and drop in rind.

Top tips

Sparkling Tip

Serve your guests the cocktail with the syrup and brandy in the glass.  Give each guest a clear bauble filled with champagne to pour on top completing their cocktail. 


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Conversion Table

Cups Tablespoons Grams
Butter 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 57g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 76g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 227g
Flour/Sifted 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 30g/27g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 40g/35g
1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 60g/55g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 120g/110g
Granulated Sugar 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 50g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 65g
1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 100g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 200g
Brown Sugar/ Firmly Packed 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 45g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 60g
1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 90g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 180g
Water 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 57g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 76g
1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 114g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 227g