1. The promoter of the competition is Tongaat Hulett Sugar South Africa Limited, registration number: 1965/000565/06 (“Huletts”).
  2. All competitions of which Huletts is the promoter are subject to these rules, the latest version of which is dated 01 April, and, which can be found at the following website address (the “General Competition Rules”).
  3. Individual competitions of which Huletts is the promoter will, in addition, have competition specific rules which can be located using the links found on the following website address, or, via our smartphone application, Facebook page or website (the “Competition Specific Rules”).
  4. By entering the competition (by submission of a response or otherwise), each person participating in this competition (the “Participant”) acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the General Competition Rules and the Competition Specific Rules, and, agrees to be bound thereby.
  5. The following persons may not enter the competition, and, are accordingly disqualified from being Participants:
    1. a director, member, partner, employee or agent of, or consultant to Huletts, or any of their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members (including, parents, children, brothers and sisters);
    2. any other person who directly or indirectly controls, or is controlled by, Huletts;
    3. a supplier of goods or services in connection with the competition;
    4. non-South Africa residents;
    5. any person who has won any prize in any competition of which Huletts was the promoter in the last 90 days (the “Previous Prize Winner”). This 90 day period shall be calculated from the date on which the Previous Prize Winner was awarded such prize to the opening date of the competition (from which the Previous Prize Winner is being excluded);
  6. Entries which are unclear, illegible, contain errors or do not meet the competition entry criteria (as specified in the Competition Specific Rules) may be declared invalid, and, accordingly not eligible to win any prize.
  7. Unless otherwise specified in the Competition Specific Rules, Participants may only submit a single entry for the competition, and, multiple entries may be declared invalid, and, accordingly not eligible to win any prize.
  8. The winner of a prize (“Prize Winner”) must provide positive identification (in the form of an identity document, identity card or passport) to the satisfaction of Huletts in order to collect any prize awarded.
  9. The Prize Winner shall be required to provide confirmation of receipt of their prize, or such information as Huletts may require in order to have the prize delivered.
  10. Any prize not collected, or if the information required by Huletts is not provided, for any reason, within 30 days of the close of the competition, will be forfeited.
  11. In the event that any Prize Winner cannot be contacted following reasonable attempts to do so, Huletts reserves the right to select another winner in substitution.
  12. All prizes awarded by Huletts are non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash (regardless of the estimated monetary or other value of the prize).
  13. By entering the competition, the Prize Winner:
    1. consents to disclosure of his/her name by Huletts on any or all of its multimedia communication platforms (including its website, its Facebook page, its smartphone application, print and online media and broadcast media);
    2. consents to use of his/her image or likeness by Huletts on any or all of its multimedia communication platforms (including its website, its Facebook page, its smartphone application, print and online media and broadcast media); provided that at the time of acceptance of any prize, the Prize Winner may advise Huletts, in writing, that he / she does not consent to the use of his/her image or likeness by Huletts;
    3. to the extent legally permitted to do so, grants Huletts the right, in perpetuity, to make use of any material submitted (including literary and creative works, tips, responses, quotes, sayings, artwork, designs, logos or the like) on any or all of its multimedia communication platforms (including its website, its Facebook page, its smartphone application, print and online media and broadcast media) for promotional purposes. The Promoter shall accordingly be entitled to feature or share entries, with acknowledgement of the source, on their multimedia communication platforms for promotional purposes, without any further remuneration being payable to the Prize Winner;
    4. consents, as contemplated in section 11 of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013, to the processing of the Participant’s personal information for the purposes of the competition.
  14. All costs associated with entry into the competition shall be for the account of the Participant.
  15. Huletts shall not be liable to any Participant for the failure of any service (electronic or otherwise) relating to submission of entries that may result in an entry not being successfully submitted to, or received by, Huletts.
  16. Unless otherwise stated in the Competition Specific Rules, Livingston Leandy, has been appointed by Huletts to independently oversea and certify the conducting of the competition.
  17. Unless otherwise stated in the Competition Specific Rules, all queries relating to the competition may be directed to Gorilla Creative Media who may be contacted on 031 566 6957.
  18. The judges’ decision will be final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.